The Neverending Book

The Void

The Void

You can be so full & be so empty.
You can be so empty & be so full.
This page doesn't rhyme.
It doesn't need to.

You cannot ignore this.
You cannot deny it.
You feel empty inside.
There is a hole in your heart.

You feel like you are dying.
You walk around so hungry and thirsty.
And, yet, nothing helps you.
It is still there.

Because, you are filling it with all of the wrong things.
You already know exactly what it is you need.
So, get to it, now, indeed.
It is rhyming again.

Because, you understand, now, how to make it go away.
Never forget what this page had to say.
The other things will not satisfy you,
No matter how many times you do them as you continue.

They satisfy no one.
Because, when they are over,
And, when they are done,
They are no longer fun.


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