Harry Black looked out across the Forbidden forest from his position on the Astronomy tower. Thestrals wheeled and dodged each other in the dying light of the sun. Crimson light streaked across the sky, subsiding into velvety blackness. For the beginning of June, it was a beautiful evening in the British Isles, even more surprisingly in the middle of Scotland. Harry looked out onto the heavens as he gripped and re-gripped the sword at his waist. His father had dressed him up as some kind of medieval knight, telling him it was traditional dress. He wore black breeches and calf-length boots. He wore a tunic of deep blue, which had the Black Family Coats of Arms stitched into it. The sword was Excalibur borrowed from Flitwick.
“I never thought I would be watching your wedding, let alone so young,” a voice replied, breaking with the sound of puberty. Harry laughed at his pseudo-brother.
“I never thought we would be friends, let alone brothers,” Harry replied to Draco.
“That is true, but then I was a spoiled brat.”
“You were more than that,” Neville’s voice came from the stairs. He was dressed similar to Harry but in a maroon colour with a golden Gryphon stitched to his breast. Harry clasped the forearm of his god-brother.
“Longbottom and Black,” Harry intoned.
“Black and Longbottom,” Neville responded, then grinned at the other youth. “I cannot believe the year that we have had.”
“Me neither, who would have thought I would be a Black and have a brother,” Harry responded. The Boy Who Lived thought back over the last year and the changes, from finding out Sirius was his real father to falling in love with Hermione. It had been a real rollercoaster of a ride.
“Or that we would be brothers,” Neville considered breaking Harry from his thoughts. Harry looked at the boy, who had grown up in the last year and realised he was a better friend than Ron had ever been. The dark-haired youth knew this young man would always be family to him.
“Or I would be living with the ferret!” Harry joked.
“Oi!” Draco exclaimed, then took on a lordly air, “You should be privileged that you get to live with me.”
“Privileged, my arse,” Harry returned with a laugh, then sunk into silence as he fiddled nervously with a button.
“So, how nervous are you?” Neville asked, breaking the silence, not allowing Harry to overthink things.
“On a scale of one to ten, a nine,” Harry admitted. “Are we doing the right thing getting married so young?”
“You do not need it to break the contract,” Draco shrugged.
“But Narcissa had already organised everything,” Harry considered.
“You and Hermione are very much in love, now or in ten years’ time, you would be married,” Neville suggested.
“When did you get so smart?” Draco joked as Neville stuck his tongue out at the boy.
“What if I muck up or faint?” Harry did appear a little pale, but Neville just put a reassuring hand on his arm.
“I’ve never known you to be this nervous, not even when you were facing Death Eaters,” Draco said, surprised. Neville nodded, agreeing with the other boy.
“This wedding has gotten you really shaken up,” the sandy-haired youth said.
“I love Hermione so much. Now her parents cannot be here, I want the day to be incredibly special for her,” Harry admitted. The three fell into a companionable silence as they looked out over the darkening sky. With only a few hours to go to the wedding, Harry could not help but worry about the wedding.
“Come on, you need to get ready to go,” Neville finally said, sharing a grin with Draco. Harry gulped and nodded, following the pair back downstairs. The trio joked around until they got to the main floor, where Draco left them heading off in another direction. Neville and Harry continued down to the Entrance Hall, where there were plenty of people milling about. Harry took a brief look into the Great Hall, which had been set up for the wedding. There were now pews down the hall leading to a beautiful altar with a flower pagoda over the top. Before he could get too good a look, Harry was pulled away by Neville to an antechamber where Sirius, Cepheus, Narcissa and Minerva McGonagall stood.
“Wow, you are looking smart, pup,” Sirius commented, making his son blush. Sirius’s hair had finally gotten back to normal after his prank nearly two months before. The green and Silver colours had finally disappeared two days ago, which his Dad had been grateful for though he had promised revenge.
“Thanks’, dad,” Harry replied as the baby in Narcissa’s arms gurgled. Harry immediately went over and began playing with the small boy, “Hiya, Teddy, I hope you have been behaving for your momma and Moony. Wait until you are a bit older, and Uncle Harry will take you on some adventures.”
“He is a bit of a crier. I remember being told Sirius was the same,” Narcissa told the boy with a grin. “I will be keeping an eye on you and my boy.”
“Hey, I will be the best Uncle he has ever had,” replied Harry with a grin of his own.
“I do not know where he got the purple hair from. The green eyes, but not the purple hair,” Narcissa looked down at the baby who had changed his hair to purple and green eyes to match Harry. They had discovered the small child was a metamorphmagus like his cousin Tonks.
“Must run in the family,” Harry replied thinking about Tonks, wondering how she was getting on in America.
“Right, I have to go in a moment. But we just wanted to tell you we will have two new wards over the summer,” Sirius sobered up.
“What do you mean?”
“Riley Monahan.” McGonagall supplied. “We found out Death Eaters killed his mother soon after his fathers’ death. So, he is now an orphan.”
“So, we are taking another stray?” Harry joked. He grabbed his little brother and gave him a noogie, “we already have one little rascal. I think we can add another to the madhouse.”
“Hey, I resent that,” Cepheus grumbled, straightening his robes, trying to act mature. “I am twelve now, not a little child.”
“You keep thinking that kiddo,” Harry winked to Neville’s guffaw. “You said something about another Ward?”
“Yes, Marquess Selwyn and I have decided to revive an old-fashioned practice of fostering a Ward. So, Danica Selwyn will come live with us for the near future,” Sirius explained.
“Great, three pre-teens, a baby, and a ferret. All we need is a gryphon, and we will have a zoo,” Harry commented, rolling his eyes.
“Draco is not that bad,” Neville added, surprising Harry into silence.
“Right, I had better go,” Sirius winked, then left the antechamber.
“Good luck, Harry,” Narcissa kissed his cheek and left.
“Go on, kiddo, you had better go with Cissa,” Harry urged his brother, who stuck his tongue out at him. Harry shook his head but smiled at his little brothers’ antics.
“Are you ready?” Neville asked.
“Not really, but lead on Nev,” Harry replied. So, the young Marquess of Grossmont led his best friend and brother into the Great Hall. The wedding minister was stood at the altar, so Harry assumed his position in front of the man with Neville at his side. Next, he saw his family; Cepheus, Narcissa, little Teddy, Remus, and the rest of the Black’s followed by several of the teachers of Hogwarts. On the other side sat McGonagall, Flitwick and all their friends, including the Weasley twins who grinned and winked at him. He hoped they had not planned anything, or he would kill them.
Then the music began to play, and Hermione came up the aisle on the arm of Sirius. The crowd were impressed by her beautiful dress, which was held by a disgruntled looking Danica. Seems she had already joined the Black household. Harry could see Hermione’s thousand-watt smile barely concealed beneath the white veil. Harry wished his parents and Hermione’s could have been here to see this. Hermione and Sirius stopped an arm’s away from him.
“Are you OK?” Harry whispered, getting a nod from her. “You are looking beautiful.”
“We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments, to give recognition to the worth and beauty of love,” the minister began, “by uniting Harry Antares Black and Hermione Jane Granger in Bonding, becoming one as they grow and love together. Should there be anyone who has cause why this couple should not be Bonded, they must speak now or forever hold their peace?”
Harry caught Cepheus squirming out the corner of his eye, but Draco had a hand clamped down on the boy’s arm, whispering to him quietly. Ceph’s eyes went wide as Draco sat back with a grin. Then, after several moments of silence, the minister proceeded.
“Who here present’s this woman in an equal bond with this man?”
“I do,” Sirius’s voice boomed across the Great Hall. Harry realised he had never seen his father look so regal. Sirius took the last few steps presenting his ‘Ward’ to Harry. The young man took Hermione’s hand, feeling her warmth.
“Harry Antares Black and Hermione Jane Granger, I would ask that you put your hands forward just as we practised,” the minister urged them. Harry held his left hand, and Hermione placed her right hand and wrist over his. The minister placed the end of a silk scarf between their hands, then wrapped it once around their hands. “Your bond will be three-fold, Respect, Love and Fidelity.
With respect, you shall nurture each other’s passions.” As the minister wrapped the silk, Harry saw a golden string bind them together, “with Love, the light can outlast the darkness.” Another golden string. “With Fidelity, you shall grow stronger together.”
“As you become bonded, you must focus on what seems right to you, not only the parts that seem wrong,” the minister continued. “This way, when clouds of trouble hide the sun in your lives, and you lose sight of it for a moment, you can remember that the sun is still there. And if each of you will take responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.
“Harry Antares Black, do you take Hermione Jane Granger as your Bonded?” the minister asked.
“I do,” Harry replied, looking sideways at his future mate.
“Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect her, to link your soul unto her forevermore?” the minister asked as a golden light drew itself from Harry. From no noticeable gasps, Harry was the only one who could see it.
“I do.” The minister turned to look at Hermione.
“Hermione Jane Granger, do you take Harry Antares Black as your bonded?”
“I do,” Hermione answered with a massive smile on her face.
“Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect him, to link your soul unto him forevermore?”
“I do,” Hermione replied. Harry saw Hermione’s light, the deep green light merging with his own golden light. The ball of light swirled in an olive colour and split up, one going to Hermione, the other going to Harry.
“Harry,” Neville nudged his friend handing him the ring, which the minister had requested.
“I believe you have chosen your own vows,” the minister told him, a little sternly.
“Hermione Jane Granger, you have been the best part of my life for the last five years. Your bookishness and bossy attitude make me smile even when others may dislike them. I want to show, before these witnesses, my love for you. So, I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and strengths.” Harry took the ring and slid it on Hermione’s finger. “With this ring, our souls are complete, our bond an everlasting circle never to be broken.”
“Young Lady, if you could present your ring,” the minister asked Luna Lovegood, who was Hermione’s Maid of Honour. The usually ditzy young woman handed the ring over solemnly. Hermione turned to Harry.
“I knew I loved you the moment we met on the train; you were a small scruffy child, but something about you drew my attention. Though you frustrate me with your dangerous stunts and lack of concern for authority, I am deeply in love with you. So, I take you, with all your faults and strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and strengths.” Hermione took the ring and slid it on Harry’s finger. “With this ring, our souls are complete, our bond an everlasting circle never to be broken.”
“Harry Antares Black and Hermione Jane Granger, the two of you, come into this Bonding uniting as equal partners. As you this day affirm your faith and love of one another, I would ask that you always remember to cherish each other as special and unique individuals; that you respect the other’s thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. Be able to forgive, do not hold grudges and live each day that you may share it together- as from this day forward, you shall be the other’s safe harbour, comfort and refuge, your Bonding strengthened by your love and respect for each other.”
“Just as two threads are woven in opposite directions will form a most beautiful tapestry, so too can your two lives merged together make a beautiful bonding. To make your relationship work will take love. This is the core of your Bonding and why you are here today. It will take trust, to know in your hearts that you genuinely want the best for each other,” the minister began to wind down his speech, “It will take dedication, to stay open to one another - and to learn and grow together. It will take faith to go forward together without knowing exactly what the future brings. And it will take commitment; to hold true to the journey you both pledge today to share together. Now in front of these witnesses, I’d like to present the Marquess and Marchioness of Rendlesham.”
Clapping filled the Great Hall as the minister unwrapped the silk scarf, and Harry lifted the veil, kissing Hermione gently sealing their bond. Harry knew he would be forever bonded with his beautiful bookworm. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the usual stoic Narcissa dab her eyes while Andromeda was outright crying.
Much later, the ceiling of the Great Hall showed a bright, almost full moon, which had been the night before. Harry looked over at Remus, who appeared exhausted though happy. Harry was chatting with the Weasley Twins over their decision to leave school at the end of the year when the song began.
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream, you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I’ll be forever thankful, baby
You’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through it all
The Great Hall had been changed back with a stage where the teachers usually sat. On the stage was thirteen-year-old Astoria Greengrass singing a Muggle tune he had heard back home. Narcissa had got into Muggle songs when Remus had taken her out to Muggle world.
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’cause you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me
Ooh, baby
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand. I could touch the sky
I lost my faith. You gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me, and I stood tall
I had your love, I had it all
I’m grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don’t know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
“My Lord Rendlesham, I do believe our little brother might be smitten,” Hermione cooed as she put her arms around him. Harry turned to see Cepheus staring at the young Greengrass on stage. Harry snorted and took Hermione onto the dance floor.
“I believe there may be a betrothal contract in the future,” Harry commented casually. Hermione’s eyes widened then she slapped the boy’s arm.
“You set them up,” she accused.
“I did nothing of the sort,” Harry denied with a wide smirk.
“I am beginning to think you are more like your father than I thought, first the prank where you turned his hair Slytherin colours, now setting up little brother,” Hermione huffed as Harry pulled her closer.
“I will never prank you, lady Rendlesham,” Harry assured with wide innocent eyes.
“Because you know I would win if we got into a prank war.”
“That is almost a challenge,” Harry replied before his smirk turned into a genuine smile. The song finished, so Harry escorted Hermione to their seats, where they found Daphne and Neville in deep conversation.
“Your sister has a beautiful voice,” Hermione told Daphne.
“Thank you, she does indeed,” Daphne nodded, “It was not surprising when Harry asked her to sing at your Bonding.”
“Yes, I am glad of it,” Hermione commented as she gave Harry a glance, who was trying to look innocent. She wondered if Sirius was pushing for a match between the Greengrass’s and the Black Family. But, seeing the gleam in Harry’s eye told her, he was the one behind the ‘matchmaking.’
“Your dress is so beautiful. I hope my dress is half as beautiful on my Bonding day,” Daphne complimented the bookworm as she gave a sidelong glance at Neville. It seemed the crush Neville had was mutual.
“I am sure it will be. Any man will be lucky to have you,” Harry spoke up, looking at his god-brother, who merely blushed.
“Do you mind if we have a word, pup?” Sirius looked uncharacteristically serious. The Animagus and Amelia stood nearby as they waited for his answer.
“Of course,” Hermione said for the pair, and the couple followed Harry’s father to the small antechamber. Amelia immediately placed privacy wards up making Harry and Hermione look at each other in concern.
“After you told us what Dumbledore said about the Wand, we began to investigate, and you have been holding things back from us?” Sirius raised an eyebrow at his son.
“Erm, no, I have not.” Hermione knew he was lying.
“We know about Draco’s research trip to London,” Sirius told the boy flatly.
“OK, after Draco told us all the tale of Míreanna Draíochta, I had him digging into the research, and then I saw the name ‘Excalibur’ on Gryffindor’s Sword in Flitwick’s office,” Harry told them. He had left the parts out where the Hat had spoken to him and told him how to combine the Wand, Stone, and Cloak. He also kept quiet some of the other secrets the Hat had revealed to him.
“So, you believe the tale is true?” Amelia asked him.
“I do. The Cloak is far too old and handed down through the generations until James Potter had it for it to be a coincidence. The sword is real, and now we know the Wand is real,” Harry answered.
“By rights, the Wand belongs to you. However, Dumbledore has told us that he felt his grip on it getting weaker and weaker. We believe it was because the Wand knew its true owner was nearby,” Amelia told him. “If the accounts are true, then the Peverell descendants were supposed to have the Wand, Cloak, and Sword. You are the last of the Peverell’s.”
“Yes, even if I had been a Potter, my Peverell blood would have come from the Black side in Dorea Black. A descendent of the first Peverell,” Harry explained, surprising Hermione, so he told her, “I will show you the family tree later.”
“But Draco told us the three were fashioned for King Arthur, if he is supposedly supposed to be reincarnated, are you not just holding them for him?”
“No, Merlin was the original creator so they should be returned to their original form,” Harry returned, but Hermione noticed he looked away from her. She knew he was not telling the whole truth.
“Do you know why the wand did not call out for your father?” Amelia asked distracting the pair.
“No, maybe because I already had the Cloak in my possession,” Harry shrugged his shoulders. Sirius handed over a box. Harry opened it almost reverently and took out the Elder Wand. Immediately the Wand began to glow; everyone could feel the Magical pressure in the room.
“Yep, that is his alright,” Sirius joked, defusing the tension making everyone laugh.
“Black, Black,” Harry heard his name called as he entered Hogsmeade Train Station. It was now several weeks since the Bonding and the last day of school. He looked around the find the Head of Gryffindor, Minerva McGonagall, calling him.
“Go get on, Riley, sit with Cepheus and Hermione,” Harry told their new Ward.
“OK, Harry,” the boy rolled his eyes at the older teen. He had changed a lot since the beginning of the year. He now thought of Cepheus and Harry more like brothers. Harry and Sirius had told him last week about his mother, and he was slowly coming to terms with being an orphan, but Harry and Hermione had helped a lot. As the boy went off with Hermione, Harry gave the Transfiguration Professor a beaming smile.
“What can I do for you, Aunt Minnie?”
“I am going to kill your father for introducing you to that name,” McGonagall grimaced.
“But I love it, and you are like an aunt to me,” Harry’s grin widened.
“I wanted to wish you good luck over the summer. Hopefully, your father will find time to come visit.”
“Visit?” Harry asked politely.
“I am returning to the Ancestral Ross Seat this summer to see my family,” the Professor replied with a twinkle in her eyes.
“I am sure Dad will find time to visit,” Harry replied.
“Well, if I do not see you before, I shall see you on September First, have a wonderful summer,” she told the boy and left him to board the train. Walking along the train corridor, he greeted many of the students who were happy to be going home. He found the compartment with Riley, Danica Selwyn, Hermione, Cepheus, and Neville in it. Draco was off somewhere with his boyfriend.
“–I will be meeting up with Daphne several times this summer,” Neville was saying as he entered.
“So, things are really going well for the pair of you?” Harry asked as he took a seat next to Hermione.
“Really well, I truly like her,” Neville admitted as Riley pretended to be sick.
“I cannot wait to get into the Black library and read some of the books,” Hermione spoke up. “I can enjoy the books in peace and quiet.”
“You are not going to get that, love,” Harry snorted, “Teddy can cry with the best of them.”
“Aww, he is so sweet, though,” Hermione returned.
“It is going to be a madhouse with all the kids running around,” giving Riley and Cepheus a grin, “Amelia is moving in, and Narcissa and Remus are raising little Teddy there. I think I will be escaping to the Quidditch pitch often.”
“I do not think so, buddy,” Hermione warned him, getting a laugh from everyone present. Then, they all settled down for the long journey back to London.
Several hours later, the Hogwarts Express began to move through cities with a more significant Muggle population. Hermione was reading a book curled up next to the window with Cepheus’s legs on her lap while his head was in Harry’s lap, fast asleep. Harry looked around to see Danica nodding off on Riley’s shoulder as Neville read his own book.
SLAM! The door to the compartment was flung open violently, startling both Cepheus and Danica from their sleep as three people stood at the door. The leader had pure black hair with black eye shadows under her eyes and seemed about the same age as Hermione and Harry. Behind her stood Blaise, and surprisingly Ginny Weasley.
“LeStrange,” Harry returned languidly. However, his hand moved slowly towards his wand. Hermione noticed and sat up more. “It has been a long time Cassie, what are you doing on the train?”
“I was collecting my sister, your foolish headmaster allowed me to ride the train to London,” the girl, Cassie, replied, “and I have told you not to call me Cassie.”
“Then why not sit with her and stay the hell away from me. I will be glad when you return to Durmstrang,” Harry returned, glaring at the young woman.
“Well, good news, I shall be joining you for my Sixth-year next year,” the girl proclaimed with an evil smile.
“Like Mother, like daughter,” was the reply from Harry. “Get lost, Cassiopeia; you are not welcome here.”
“I would not want to be associated with Blood traitors and Mudblood’s anyway,” Cassie returned before sweeping off, the other two following her. Harry sighed, his mind racing.
“Who was that?” Riley asked wide-eyed.
“Cassiopeia LeStrange, the daughter of Bellatrix and Rodolphus LeStrange. Though we are not sure whether she is Riddle’s daughter,” Harry commented after a few moments.
“As in Lord Voldemort,” Hermione squeaked. Neville frowned at Harry.
“What is she doing back from Durmstrang?” he asked.
“I do not know, Nev. I did not realise her little sister was at Hogwarts this year,” Harry responded, perplexed.
“None of us did. I think Sirius would have said something if he knew,” Neville tried to soothe the boy.
“How do you know her?” Hermione asked, not liking that Harry had kept secrets from her.
“Last summer, Sirius found out about her, so we went to meet her at Durmstrang to see her. She came back to Hárasteorra Hall for a week, where she met Neville. After that, however, she decided she wanted to have nothing to do with us; she is pure evil,” Harry explained, going silent before finally saying, “It is going to be an interesting summer and new school year.”