The Neverending Book



Maybe, it was.
Maybe, it wasn't.
Maybe, it does.
Maybe, it doesn’t.

Maybe, you do.
Maybe, you don’t.
Maybe, you will.
Maybe, you won't.

Maybe, you did.
Maybe, you didn’t.
Maybe, it is.
Maybe, it isn't.

Maybe it is hers.
Maybe it is yours.
Maybe it is his.
Maybe it is.

Whether it is or isn't, does & didn’t & will not affect the clock from how it will go tick tock.
Time can heal or time can steal.
Time can bring joy or can destroy.

Time can add or can subtract.
This is a all, truly, a fact.
Time can be your friend.
Time can be your foe.
Time can kill your flowers,
Time can make them grow.

It can destroy them & make them rot & decay.
Time can do this at any day,
If it is not used in the appropriate way.
Time like each rhyme can help you climb.

It can make you fall down.and make you frown.
It can make you a king.
It can steal your crown.
It can make you a queen,
But, it can be mean.

It is a tool when used wisely.
But, only when done correctly,
Can it be used perfectly.
You are falling when you are stalling,

So keep on going.
It will.
It is never still.
You can be so beautiful.
You can be so powerful,
If you are simply responsible.

You do not have to turn time on.
It was always there.
It is not gone.
It is not going anywhere.

It is everywhere.
Yet, it is nowhere.
Stop holding your flower so hard it cannot breathe any air.

By you holding on so tightly it cannot breathe any breath.
You are choking it to death!
You are suffocating it. You are n
ot appreciating it. You are not eminating it. You are hating it.

Just let it go. Let it grow. It will show.
Leave it alone. It will be shown.
You will not be alone.
Tick tock on the clock.

Knock, knock.
It has two hands & so do you.
So, what will you do,
With the time given to you?

You can be happy too,
If you...


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