Priorities - Book Two

Chapter Seven: New Friends & Resolution

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

I didn’t sleep much last night. Between worrying about Roger being adopted by Uncle Henri, and about starting school, I tossed and turned trying to sleep, but it wasn’t easy. I think I finally fell asleep about four in the morning, so, having to get up at six, I’m pretty tired.

Dad came to wake me today since Daddy was busy, as Dad said, 'putting on his face’. I looked Dad in the eye and said, "I’m scared, Dad."

"It’s normal to be scared when you’re about to do something you’ve never done. If you weren’t a little scared that would be arrogant. I’ll tell you a secret...every business meeting I go into, I’m a little scared too." Dad replied.

"It’s not just that, Dad...I’m scared about Uncle Henri not being able to adopt Roger. What will we do if he can’t?" I asked, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Well, I can tell you we’ll do absolutely everything in our power to make sure the adoption happens. George is supposed to keep me informed, but, I’ll be stopping by his office later today after my meetings. I promise you, I will tell you everything that happens. But, it seems from what I’ve been told, George may have to go to court to fix this problem." Dad explained.

"Dad, if we have to go to court, I want to be there." When I saw him about to deny my request, I continued, "Please Dad? I want to be there, maybe I can say something that will help." My eyes were now brimming with tears, and I guess I had what some would call 'puppy-dog eyes’.

Dad was quiet for a moment before replying, "I’ll talk to George about it, if he feels you can make a contribution, I’ll have him call you to the stand...since you’ll be in court with us."

I hugged him tight and gave him a kiss on the cheek before enthusiastically stating, "You’re the best, Dad. I love you so much!"

Breakfast being the most important meal of the day was exceedingly large. Along with my 'Trevor Coffee’, we had a juice I’ve never tasted before. Daddy told me it was a blend of passion fruit, orange juice, and guava nectar. It’s very popular in Hawaii where they simply call it 'POG’. The rest of the meal consisted of oatmeal, croissants, and a dish of cut up fruit.

After breakfast, Daddy and I gave Dad kisses then headed out to the car and off to school.

*** ~~~ Henri ~~~ ***

I sat there at the table. Marine looked at me and could tell I had something on my mind. I was dreading having to tell her about the phone call I’d received from George. She’d gone to the kitchen to check on things as I’d been talking to Bobby last night. I still had no idea how to tell her.

"Cheri, you’re troubled. What’s wrong?" She asked.

I looked at her and my heart was breaking, but, I had to tell her what was going on. "Mon petit, there’s a problem with the adoption. George called me yesterday to tell me." I told her.

"What kind of problem?" She asked, the worry evident in her tone.

"Years ago...before we met...I was involved in a fight in a bar in Paris. Everyone who was involved was taken into custody. I was never charged or convicted of anything, but, when we filled out the application for adoption, I’d forgotten about the incident completely. Where it asked if I’d ever been arrested and I said, 'No’, I honestly thought I’d been detained, but never arrested...they’re trying to say I lied on my application. They’re trying to disqualify me as an adoptive parent." I was heartbroken seeing her expression.

"What are we going to do? I love Roger so much already, I don’t think I could bear it if we couldn’t adopt him!" She wailed.

"George Miller is working on it and we may have to go to court. Bobby assured me he’d do whatever he needs to do in order that Roger can come home to us. We have to have faith in those around us and in God to allow this." I said humbly.

Marine wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. "I love you, Henri...I know what happened in the past is in the past. I will pray this doesn’t cause us to lose my son."

She’s already referring to Roger as her son. I must do what it takes to get him to actually be our son.

*** ~~~ Nick ~~~ ***

Enrolling Trevor was easier than I thought, but, being Headmaster did cut a bunch of 'red tape’. My staff was very happy to see me, some of them telling me horror stories about the previous Headmaster. I assured them that those occurrences would not happen under my watch.

Most of the day was spent getting organized. I’m sure Trevor had a much more interesting day than I did. The nicest thing was when Eric Pressman, the boy who’d showed us around the school, stopped by at lunchtime. I am very impressed with him. I hope he and Trevor become friends.

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

Man, this place is cool! Much better than the classes we had at the orphanage. I love my teachers, and, I’m pretty far ahead of the other boys my age in my education. Eric and I have several classes together, I really like having him for a friend.

My day went fairly well except for one incident at lunchtime. I’d expected to see Eric, but he didn’t arrive until after some 'trouble'started. An older boy, Kevin was his name, came up to me. He spoke to me like I was trash. He said that since I was adopted I didn’t deserve to be treated like I was 'uppercrust’. He actually started pushing me, physically.

"I don’t care if your faggot dad is Headmaster. I’ll kick your ass any day I choose!"

I was about to really lay into him. I don’t like to fight, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how, but that’s when Eric showed up. "Kevin did I know it would be you to show how stupid you are. I can count at least ten of our fellows here who heard you make a remark about our new Headmaster’s sexuality. That, under the rules of this institution would be grounds for immediate dismissal. If Trevor here is willing to overlook it...this time...we can put this nastiness behind us. What say you, Trevor?"

"I wasn’t looking for trouble, Eric. I was just eating my lunch when he came up to me. But, I’m willing to forgive this whole thing if he’s willing to leave me alone in the future." I stated.

"Well then, Kevin, run along...however, I will have signed statements from several who heard your remarks today available should you show your lack of upbringing again. Forgiven is not forgotten." Eric said. I kind of like Eric. I think he’s going to be a good person to have in my corner.

*** ~~~ Bobby ~~~ ***

I’ve been sitting in George’s office for nearly half an hour while he was on the phone trying to set up a hearing for Henri. I’d spoken to him about having Trevor make a plea, and he said, depending on which Judge it was, that it might actually be a good idea.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was nearly time for Trevor and Nick to finish up at school when George finished his call. I’d caught the last few moments of it as he was saying, "...Yes, I can be there in an hour. (pause) You’ve already verified that the opposing counsel will be available? Great, I’ll gather our people and be in the courtroom at that time. Thank you very much!"

He hung up the phone and hurriedly informed me that we had a court date today. It seems there had been a dismissal of a case that was on the docket for today and the clerk put us in that spot. "Get Trevor to the courtroom. It’s Judge Phelps. He’ll be very open to hearing the opinion of a youngster." He said as he picked up the phone to call, I believe, Henri.

I called Nick; he and Trevor were just about to leave the school to head home. I told him about the court hearing 55 minutes from now and he said he and Trevor would be there.

George hung up the phone and turned to me. "I’m just glad I had the motions typed up this morning. I was planning on filing them this afternoon once I’d secured a court date. I’m hopeful. We happened to get a very understanding Judge. Looks like your 'King'luck is holding up.

George and I left his office for the short trip to the courthouse. Almost immediately after we arrived Henri and Marine showed up, Trevor and Nick about five minutes later. We were all standing around when Andrea Wallace, the Child Advocate Attorney, showed up.

"Hello. You must be Mr. & Mr. King. It’s nice to meet you. George, do you have a copy of your motion for me?"

"I do, I’ll let you review it before I ask what your stance is going to be." George replied, rather coldly.

She took the papers, read through them, and said, "Ok, everything looks to be in order. I’ll see you in the courtroom. It was very nice meeting you." Before she turned and left, I noticed that she’d totally ignored Henri and Marine, Trevor as well.

We entered the courtroom and were surprised to see not only Ms. Wallace, but Roger and Mrs. Ganger in the courtroom. I was baffled as to why Roger would be there. Sure, it impacted him, but, so far, none of us had told him about a problem.

Trevor was excited, to say the least and it took a real effort to stop him from running over to Roger. We sat in the gallery as George, Henri and Marine went to sit at the table in front; across from where Ms. Wallace, Mrs. Granger, and Roger were seated.

A few moments later, the Bailiff stood and announced, "Please rise. Hear ye! Hear ye! This court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Reginald Phelps, presiding. All those with business before this court shall now be heard."

The Judge entered. When I looked at him my first impression was that he was Santa Claus, without the red suit. He was a rotund man with white hair and a flowing beard. He looked over the crowd, then addressed the attorneys. "Good Afternoon Ms. Wallace, Mr. Miller. I see we have a simple motion to go over today. Please give me a moment to review it."

He read through the brief on his desk then turned to Ms. Wallace. "Ms. Wallace, as Attorney for the minor child, do you have any objections to this motion being granted?"

Andrea stood, "Your Honor, if it please the court, the Advocate would like to hear from the potentially adoptive parents Attorney prior to stating our position."

"Very well. Mr. Miller, do you have any witnesses?" He asked George.

"Your Honor. I only have one witness. I would have submitted two, but I wasn’t certain the child in question would be here, however since he is in the courtroom, I would like to question him as well, but would like to make a very brief statement prior to calling my witnesses." George stated.

"Ms. Wallace, is there any objection to your client taking the stand?" He asked.

"None, your honor. His legal guardian and counsel are present, so we have no objection." She stated professionally.

"Very well, Mr. Miller, please proceed." He stated.

George stood and addressed the Judge. "Your honor. This motion is being made in the spirit of fairness. The prospective adoptive parent, Mr. Henri DuChamp, did not willfully, nor intentionally, prevaricate on his application for adoption. The event in question happened nearly thirty years ago when my client was barely an adult. Subsequent to his involvement in this mishap, he was never convicted of any offense. He was actually never formally charged with a crime. In his mind, he was detained, never arrested. The distinction apparent to a legal professional, but anyone who’s been in such a situation could easily make that error. He was unaware of the fact that he had indeed been arrested."

"That is a very valid point, Mr. Miller. Do you have more to say or do you wish to call your witnesses?" The Judge asked.

"Your Honor, if it please the court, I would like to call Roger Anders to the stand."

Roger got up and took his seat in the stand. The Bailiff had him place his hand on a bible and he was sworn to tell the truth.

"Roger, I have one question for you. Knowing you’ve spent time with Mr. & Mrs. DuChamp, do you want them to adopt you?" George asked Roger kindly.

Roger’s enthusiasm was obvious, "Oh Yes! I want that more than anything in the world. Mr. & Mrs. DuChamp are already like Mom and Dad in my heart."

"You spent a weekend with them. Did they in any way mistreat you?"


"Is there any other reason you wish to be adopted by Mr. & Mrs. DuChamp?"

Roger hesitated, "I...I’m not sure I can say this, Sir." Roger said nervously.

"Are you referring to your budding relationship with Trevor King?" George asked.

"Yes, Sir. Trevor and I were in the orphanage together, and we sort of fell in love." Roger answered, his face blushing.

"I’m done with this witness, Your Honor. I yield to the Advocate." George said.

Ms. Wallace simply said, "I have no questions for the witness, Your Honor." She had remained in her seat.

"Thank you for being honest, Roger. You may step down. Your Honor, I would now like to call Trevor King to the stand." George continued.

Roger stood and Trevor approached. The two shared a chaste kiss and hug as they passed each other. Trevor was then in the witness chair, the Bailiff swearing him in.

"Trevor, do you have anything to add to what you’ve heard here?" George asked.

"It’s true that Roger and I have become close, but in so saying, that alone would be a very selfish reason for me to be advocating Roger’s adoption. I’ve only known Mr. & Mrs. DuChamp a little over a month, but my parents have known them a very long time. In the time I’ve known them, they’ve been nothing but proper. They’ve shown me that they are good people. My Grandpa has told me that I am a very good judge of character, but you, Your Honor, have only my word on that. What I guess I’m saying is that I think Mr. & Mrs. DuChamp would be perfect parents for Roger. He’s already told me about how they’ve been teaching him how to run a business. When we went to their restaurant, Roger was truly happier than I have ever seen him in the years I’ve known him. What I am asking you is to allow Roger to be adopted by two people who love him as if he were their natural born son, just as my parents have done for me since I was adopted."

The Judge turned to Trevor and asked, "Did someone tell you what to say here today, Trevor?"

"Sir, with all due respect, I have my own mind. My parents would never tell me what to say, they’d just tell me to say what was in my heart and to tell you the truth, and that is what I did."

"I have no more questions." George stated.

"Your Honor, I have one question for this young man." Andrea stated.

"Proceed, Counselor." The Judge answered.

"Trevor, do you believe it’s healthy for two thirteen year old boys to be allowed to engage in sexual relations?" She asked Trevor. I was seething hearing this question.

"Ms. Wallace, do you believe that a person my age has the ability to make decisions?" Trevor asked.

"I’m asking the questions, Trevor, how I feel is irrelevant." She replied, a smirk on her face.

"Well, if I may, the law in this state says that a person over the age of thirteen has the right to consent to sexual acts. I personally disagree with that blanket assessment."

Needless to say I was surprised. Trevor was shooting himself in the foot, in my opinion.

Trevor continued, "That being said, I feel that both Roger and I have the intelligence, maturity, and common-sense to make that decision. I can say I believe there are adults who lack those characteristics, but the law doesn’t even question if they have the right to be sexual. So, in answer to your question, yes, I believe, in the case of Roger and I, that we should have the ability to make that decision."

George turned to me and said, "Bingo."

Andrea looked flustered, it was obvious that Trevor had taken the wind out of her sails. "No further questions, Your Honor."

"I think you made the right decision, Counselor. I believe that this young man circumvented your argument better than any attorney I’ve ever met. Prior to rendering my verdict, I wish to speak to these two young men in chambers."

The Bailiff stood and, after the judge left the room, he said, "This court is in recess."

*** ~~~ Trevor ~~~ ***

Roger and I followed the Bailiff through the door the Judge had gone through a moment earlier. We were taken down a short hallway to a door that had a plaque on it that said 'Reginald Phelps, Family Court Judge’. The Bailiff knocked and we heard a voice from inside tell us to come in. He opened the door and saw the Judge sitting behind his desk, his black robe hanging on a coat tree behind him.

He was a far less threatening person without that robe. He invited us in and told us to have a seat. Looking around the room we saw a couch with a seat opposite. I elected to move to that couch so Roger and I could sit together. The Judge smiled, stood from his desk and took the chair opposite the couch.

"I was duly impressed with both of you today. Roger, it must have been embarrassing speaking so openly about your relationship with Trevor. Trevor, you are far wiser than your years would make one believe. You were articulate, and you seemed to have thought through your answers completely. I just wanted to be certain that you were not coached in any way prior to your appearance."

"Sir, I was told about this hearing literally less than an hour prior to it taking place. There was no time for that to have happened. I did spend that hour thinking of what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. The answer I gave to Ms. Wallace’s question though was straight from my heart. I didn’t know what she might ask, so there would have been no way to be coached." I replied.

"Well, I see no reason to delay this. I know you were only here for a motion, but, I have it in my power to grant the adoption forthwith. That means Roger, would you like that?" The Judge said, and I noticed a smile and a twinkle in his eye as he said it.

Roger just stared at him. After a few moments he said to the Judge, "You can do that? Really?"

"Yes, Roger, I can...if that is what you want." The Judge said happily.

"Oh Yes! Yes! Yes! I want that more than anything!" Roger gushed.

"Well then, why don’t we go back into the courtroom and make this official!" The Judge said.

He led us back out of the door, after he put his robe back on. When we arrived at the door to the courtroom, the Judge turned to us and said, "Here’s the cool part." The Bailiff asked us to wait at the door as he made the announcement, "This court is now back in session. His Honor, Reginald Phelps, presiding."

We then went back into the courtroom. Roger was all smiles as he returned to his seat next to Mrs. Granger. I went and sat next to Uncle Henri.

The Judge said, "In the matter of the motion to strike the alleged arrest from the record, I find that there is insufficient cause to believe that Mr. Henri DuChamp did willfully and with prevarication fail to disclose pertinent history from his application. The motion to strike is granted."

Ms. Wallace didn’t say a word, she simply began putting her paperwork in her briefcase when the Judge began to speak again.

"Furthermore, it is within my authority as Presiding Judge of the Family Court to take the following action. Being that due diligence has been made by the Advocate's office, and after a careful review of the application, I hereby grant the adoption of Roger Anders to Henri and Marine DuChamp. Roger, are you wishing to change your last name to DuChamp at this time?"

Ms. Wallace stood and was about to object when the Judge turned to her and said, "Ms. Wallace, are you certain you want to raise an objection here?" The tone of his voice told everyone he expected no issues from her. She simply took her seat.

"Good. Now, Roger, do you wish to change your last name to DuChamp?"

"Yes Sir, I do." Roger replied.

"I hereby grant this adoption, Roger, you may approach the clerk to receive your new birth certificate and certificate of adoption. This court is adjourned." He then banged his gavel.

Roger went to the clerk and got his paperwork. Mrs. Granger was standing there like she had lost her way. I truly believe she was speechless for the first time since I’ve known her.

After Roger got his paperwork he ran over to Marine and she wrapped him in a hug. Henri announced that there was going to be a celebration at the restaurant starting at seven o’clock. Everyone was invited. He turned to Ms. Wallace and Mrs. Granger and made sure they knew they were also invited. He then called the Bailiff over and in addition to inviting him and his wife, asked him to pass on the invitation to the judge as well.

This was going to be some party!

[To Be Continued]